Here are some examples:
I miss school I hate corona I am bored I love my friends |
That’s no fun Corona has to end Therefore wash your hands And keep distance By Filiz |
I think corona is kinda cool,
cause we don’t have to go to school.
I know every Netflix plot,
but I miss my friends alot.
Every night I stay up very late,
and I would never wake up before eight.
I love to stay at home and bake,
while I listen to Rihanna and Drake.
I hope y’all stay healthy,
It’s much better than being wealthy.
I hope to see y’all soon,
hopefully I don’t have to wait till June.
By Lina
I love corona because I can stand up late
But I hate it ‘cause I can’t see my mate.
I like Corona ‘cause I don’t need to use my make-up tool
But I hate it ‘cause I miss going to school.
We planned a trip to Barcelona
But it was cancelled because of corona.
Corona makes me sad
All in all corona makes me fat.
I hate my sister Leona
And due to corona
My sister and I have too much time to spend
Because of that I want it all to end.
by Aliya
Corona is a virus very bad
It makes a lot of humans sad .
I don´t go to school at the moment ,
it´s not so bad
But corona is the reason
Why we had to stop the football season. 😊
I love to sleep longer in the morning
But sometimes it feels a bit boring .
When I miss my friends to have fun
I go for a run.
by Justin
Stay home they say
The new motto is to keep distance
And wash your hands often
You know that the Coronavirus is no fun
Hell yes, I know that
Even I miss my friends
And all the others I love
Learning and homework are part of my weekends
Then also the siblings are annoying
Homeschooling isn’t good for me for a long time
Yes it has come so far, I miss school.
by Odett